How to Drink Black Coffee

To me, coffee is black. Many coffee drinkers can't fathom having it any other way. While I watch the free lattes pile up on my rewards card at the local cafe, like some Sisyphean plight, a...

Why is Coffee Called Java?

Coffee goes by many names across the world, and in the United States that’s no exception. We call it Joe, as in a cup of Joe. We call it espresso, drip, and other slang for ways to make it. And...

How Does Coffee Grow?

The term, "fair trade" has been a hot topic in a lot of industries as of late. Living conditions, rate of pay and corporate mistreatment of people in textile workshops, farms and mines have been...

Why Is Coffee Called Joe?

For years, many of us have heard the term "cup of joe" being thrown around in regard to coffee. However, not many of us know where that term has come from. Unlike other nicknames like "java",...